plöt logo
bag filled with package free goods

plöt is built upon
two foundations:

 plötecon ⚙️
 plötpolity 🗳️

produce sticker
bank looking building


(short for plöt economics)

the system separates basic living necessities (like food, water, clothing, and utilities) from unstable market forces. meanwhile, healthy competition continues in "optional" categories (like entertainment, luxury, and technology).

illustration of division between essentials like water and luxuries like entertainment
  • a partition develops between the two sectors.
  • in both sectors, strict environmental and social rules guide development.
  • as industries mature, they become increasingly worker-owned.
degrowth is central to plötecon.

the image above shows an example of the partition.

ballot indicating elections


(short for plöt politics)

the system is grounded in true democracy, free from lobbying and granting an equal voice to each plötizen. the basics are simple enough, centering around "councils":

tiered electoral system representation
1. local councils (each containing ~17 plötizens) send a representative to the higher council.
2. higher councils, (each containing ~17 local representatives) send a representive to the interplöt council.
3. this continues until everybody is represented.

the image above shows the nesting process.